Monday, August 20, 2007
trying to capture a smile...
Things have been going better and better lately, although as I write this she's going through another one of her gassy fits: her whole body contorts and she could give any big brut of a man a run for their money in a farting competition. Poor little thing.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
congrats art and courtney!
A huge congrats to my little bro and my beautiful new sister-in-law! The wedding was amazing and I am so happy for the both of you! It was an honour to be there and share the day with you. And although your day came with the sadness of Nate's passing, know that he wanted to be there to celebrate the day with you too.
Doerksen family update: we've completed our first sucessful big road trip with baby Keziah. It took us about 17 hours to get to Calgary with stopping for feeds, etc. but Keziah was really good and we did it in one day both ways. It was so good to be in Calgary a week ahead and help with all the last minute things to do. The trip went so well that we decided to head to Minot for the August long weekend. So now we have a little international traveller. We hope to keep traveling with her often so she gets used to life in the car and therefore avoid crying fits! We'll see how that goes.

Here's a (sideways) pic of Keziah with her proud uncle Art!
As for life with Keziah, it's been an adjustment. She has the signs of colic: she has a ton of gas and it's often uncomfortable enough to make her cry and it keeps her from sleeping or eating. It makes a schedule hard to keep and I haven't been able to enjoy the summer like I had hoped. Most books say its gone by about 3 months and she's almost two, so hopefully we'll see the end of that soon!
Other than that, it's been fun getting to know her more and see her develop into a little person. She started smiling about two weeks ago and now does it often, but I have yet to capture it on camera!