Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Asuke, Tokyo and Kleenex

Karis and I spent Monday in Asuke, its this neat little town in the Mountains. I really enjoyed being out in the Mountains, seeing the nature all around us... we ate lunch on a rock by a rushing river! It made me so happy! Also because it was the warmest, sunniest day we've had since I arrived so it was good to be outside.
There is a lot more to the town of Asuke, but we spent most of our time in an old village where the buildings are all traditional Japanese style. We were able to try our talent at paper making and weaving bamboo. It was really really fun!
Kleenex: here its used for everything but wiping your nose! Everybody here seems to carry one of those little ten packs around with them. They use it for drying their hands, or a spill, or for napkins (they don't often have napkins at the table). Its not really socially acceptable to wipe your nose. They think its gross to put a snotty tissue in your pocket, and they are right. But I have heard numerous people snort their snot up their nose, into their throat and swallow it. Thats pretty gross too. I guess dealing with boogers is a gross thing no matter what culture you live in!! :)

So, we are leaving for Tokyo tonight (in about 45 minutes actually) so this will be my last post... hopefully its been fun and hopefully I will update about tokyo when I get back to Winnipeg. We are taking a night bus and will arrive at about 6am. We plan to go to the fish market right away and then also see the sumo stables (yes, the houses for the sumo wrestlers are really called stables)... so there will be much to talk about!!