
Monday, November 19, 2007


Go Bombers Go!

Well, I have to say that we are a Bomber family! I still cheer for my stamps first and foremost, but since we live in Winnipeg, I have to go with the flow.
And how did Keziah get to be a Bomber fan? Funny you should ask! Last October we had just found out that we were expecting a baby. That week Calgary came to play in Winnipeg. While we were at the game James and I made a bet that whoever won that game, our baby would be a fan of that team for life. Needless to say, the stamps lost and here were are:
A baby bomber fan!

James was so excited that we won yesterday, he went straight to the internet to figure out how much tickets and flights would be for the Grey Cup! He decided it was too expensive for us to go, so we'll just have to cheer from home... Not that I was totally willing to spend thousands of dollars to get there last minute, but I always think spur of the moment things like that are totally fun and crazy and they are what keeps us young!

I guess I should also wish best of luck to all our friends who are roughrider fans- I hope we can still be friends no matter what the outcome! (jk).

My husband spent a some time on the computer looking at all the Bombers stats after the game. Guess we'll see if we can pull it off without Glen.
Maybe we can still be friends if the Riders win... which they will.
Keziah is an adorable Bombers fan.
However, I think she'd look better in green.
Thinking of you as we prepare for a show down!
I think Brendan has the same onesie. Does it have a football on the bum and come with a bib & booties? My uncle & aunt were in Winnipeg the weekend that Brendan was born so they brought the outfit home for him. Too bad it's way to big for him otherwise he'd be wearing it on Sunday. Kevin needs another Bomber fan at church on Sunday. Maybe he'll wear the bib at least!
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