Wednesday, November 07, 2007
our little pumpkin
Sometimes I call Keziah a pumpkin, but on this day, who could help but call her that??
We had a good day on halloween. We bought enough treats for 56 kids and when they ran out we took Keziah to visit some neighbours, aunts and uncles, and of course, her grandparents. I think it was a good first halloween experience for all!
I looked back and I can't believe it has been a month since I've posted. I also can't believe that Keziah is going on five months old. Where does the time go?? Everyone said it would go fast, but really! This is ridiculous!
Does anyone else have the problem of saying "When this happens, then I will..."?
I always do that. For example, I said "When I'm home on mat leave, then I will post on my blog more often." But do I ever follow-through with those ideas? No. I don't know, maybe it is a form of procrastination. Or maybe I really believe it will happen, but I don't have a realistic idea of how my time will be used in a new setting. Whatever the reason, I do that with a lot of things in my life and it never works. I never do what I will say I'll do.
I guess this is just something else to add to the "how-to-make-myself-a-better-person" list.
Bye for now!
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Cute picture. For me I find myself saying, "once Isaiah starts crawling then life will be easier" etc. I'm learning I need to enjoy each moment and stage though.
oh goodness...that's one super cute pumpkin! and yes, i saw that ALL the time and never get anything done. go figure. :)
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