Thursday, February 16, 2006
a proper valentine
I am well aware that Valentines Day can be a touchy subject for some but I, for one, enjoy it. Even before I was dating anyone, it was a good day. We always used it as an excuse to have a "girls night" (aka chocolate and chick flick night). And now that I am married its a night away from everything, just the two of us.
This year we went to Chapters. Doesn't sound very romantic at first, maybe, but we used to go to Chapters (or McNallys) all the time when we were dating. Taking it easy, walking around, reading books. I have wanted a book on etiquette for some time so James decided to buy me one. They didn't have the one I wanted, so I had to order it in.
But here's the deal: After I get it, I am going to post tips for y'all! Won't that be fun? A weekly social relationships note from bob! Who says learning and blogging can't go together?
This year we went to Chapters. Doesn't sound very romantic at first, maybe, but we used to go to Chapters (or McNallys) all the time when we were dating. Taking it easy, walking around, reading books. I have wanted a book on etiquette for some time so James decided to buy me one. They didn't have the one I wanted, so I had to order it in.
But here's the deal: After I get it, I am going to post tips for y'all! Won't that be fun? A weekly social relationships note from bob! Who says learning and blogging can't go together?
Friday, February 10, 2006
So... for the last three weeks James and I have been busy every single night. Much of the time it has included having people over, which adds to the busyness (but it keeps the house tidy!) It has been exhausting! This week things have slowed down somewhat.
New Phase:
As of Monday, James has gone back to school at Red River for two months to upgrade his schooling. His job also wants him to work evening shifts (from 4:30pm-12:30am) two or three days a week. This is both good and bad.
Good parts include: he takes the car to work so it forces me to have a night at home, he gets home from school fairly early so he gets some time to himself in the afternoon, its a chance of pace for him.
Bad Parts: I only get home from work at 5ish so I don't get to see him at all on nights he works, he is working nights that we don't have weekly commitments so he's busy all the time still.
Wow! I just started looking back on the post and I am boring even myself!! :) Well, that's life I guess.
BTW, can someone tell me how to put pictures on? For some reason I can't figure it out...
New Phase:
As of Monday, James has gone back to school at Red River for two months to upgrade his schooling. His job also wants him to work evening shifts (from 4:30pm-12:30am) two or three days a week. This is both good and bad.
Good parts include: he takes the car to work so it forces me to have a night at home, he gets home from school fairly early so he gets some time to himself in the afternoon, its a chance of pace for him.
Bad Parts: I only get home from work at 5ish so I don't get to see him at all on nights he works, he is working nights that we don't have weekly commitments so he's busy all the time still.
Wow! I just started looking back on the post and I am boring even myself!! :) Well, that's life I guess.
BTW, can someone tell me how to put pictures on? For some reason I can't figure it out...